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My wife assured me…..

That she could clean my silk tie.

So here’s what she did. To get rid of the stain she first tried club soda and blotting. Next she used a silk stain remover and dried the area with a hair dryer.

Then using rubbing alcohol she dabbed some on the back of the tie to see if it was colorfast.

The stain stubbornly held fast.

Now cornstarch is applied and she let that set for twenty-four hours before brushing it off. A combination of dish soap and club soda once more applied followed by more drying.

In the meantime my tie shrunk and now I look like a Laurel and Hardy character. The stain? It is still on my tie and we use it on occasion as a conversation piece.

Her advice now is first, don’t spill anything on my tie, and second if I do to take it to the dry cleaners and/or better yet throw it away. I must admit some of the above may work but between you and I…..throw it away and buy a new one. For serious cleaning advice on anything but a silk tie call Clean World Maintenance toll free 800-643-5850 or visit our website at

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