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Got a mess in the kitchen?

Sorry…but you can’t hide forever.

So here are a few tips for a quick kitchen clean up.

First, assemble everything you will need. Cleansers, dishcloths, sponges, gloves, etc. Put hot water in the sink and soak any dirty dishes. Pick up any trash. Set aside any items that don’t belong in the kitchen. Put all other clean items back in there original place. Using a sponge and warm water wipe all visible surfaces. Sweep the floor. Fill the sink with warm soapy water and using a sponge mop, wet it and mop the floor. You can let the dirty water in the sink go down the drain. Dust the top of the refrigerator. Put a cup of water in the microwave for two minutes. Let that cool and come back later to wipe it down. On tile countertops use a little baking soda for stubborn stains. Wipe vertical surfaces. Back at the sink finish those dirty dishes and dry them. Empty the trash and you’re finished. All this in fifteen minutes or less. Or you could call Clean World Maintenance toll free 800-643-5850 or visit our website at for additional shortcuts.

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Clean World Maintenance

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Vancouver, WA, USA

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