Advice on cleaning the bathroom
This is the good advice.
Let’s start with bathroom preparation:
Get rid of everything that impedes your progress such as used towels, rugs, trashcan, soap dish, makeup, and loose items that will get in your way.
Now if you have a long-handled duster use it to remove dust from vents, light fixtures, countertops, and corners.
Vacuum or sweep the floors to get rid of hair, dust, and misc. debris.
At this point spray some all-purpose cleaner on the shower walls, shower track (if you have one), and shower door. Let it soak while you’re busy with other necessities.
Prepare some cleaning solution for the floors. (Warm slightly soapy water mixed with the all-purpose cleaner).
Use your all-purpose cleaner and a sponge and wipe down shelves, windowsills, doors, blinds, etc.
Now come back to the shower. Using the sponge lightly scrub the surfaces you left soaking. Make sure you wipe dry the chrome fixtures. Use a soft moist cloth to wipe cabinet faces.
On to the Uggghh toilet. Use the all-purpose cleaning agent or a powdered cleanser for any build up. After cleaning with a toilet brush clean the outside of the toilet with a clean cloth and the liquid cleaner.
Lastly, clean the floor using the solution prepared earlier. Let dry.
Whala….bright and fresh. That’ll be $2.
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